corrosion wear中文什么意思

发音:   用"corrosion wear"造句
  • corrosion:    n. 腐蚀,侵蚀;【植物;植物学】溶 ...
  • wear:    n. = weir.
  • no-wear:    无损
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  1. 28cr high chromium cast iron is one of primary wear resistance materials , which is in use at present . it shows superior performance in corrosion wear and abrasive wear
  2. X - ray diffraction spectrum , empa methods and several tests including mechanical properties , electrochemistry , corrosion wear , on - site plate hanging , the microstructure of steel has been observed and analyzed , performance has been studied , and corrosion - abrasion , fragility mechanism , and microalloy application in ferritic stainless steel have been explored comprehensively . the test results of electrochemistry , corrosion wear and on - site plate hanging have been analyzed . the analytical result shows that crsomo has enough corrosion resistance in phosphoric acid slurry because it has high chromium and low carbon
    通过实验室的电化学试验、腐蚀磨损试验和磷肥厂的现场挂片试验结果分析,表明: cr30mo铁素体不锈钢高铬低碳的配合,保证其在磷酸料浆中具有足够的耐蚀性: cr30mo中( fe , cr ) _ 23c _ 6 、 ( fe , cr ) _ 7c _ 3 、 mo _ 2c 、等碳化物硬质点从基体的弥散沉淀析出可提高钢的硬度和耐磨性,使得钢在磷酸料浆中具有良好的耐磨蚀效果。


  1. corrosion value 什么意思
  2. corrosion velocity 什么意思
  3. corrosion voltmeter 什么意思
  4. corrosion water stain 什么意思
  5. corrosion weaking 什么意思
  6. corrosion weight grow 什么意思
  7. corrosion weight loss 什么意思
  8. corrosion y proteccion 什么意思
  9. corrosion zinc 什么意思
  10. corrosion zone 什么意思


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